September 2023 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners  Meeting Minutes

Location:  Egg Harbor Township Public Library

Date September 12, 2023 Time 6:00 p.m.


  • Melissa Flynn, President
  • Sue Bailey, Secretary
  • Joe Jones
  • Karl Geary
  • Alan Tasoff
  • Art Miller

The meeting was called to order by the president, Melissa Flynn. 


No treasurer’s report at this time.


The president intends to send out a letter to the membership asking all about their interest in our meetings and suggestions for demos, etc. October is the last date the club is scheduled to meet at the Library. The library will be closing for a few months for HVAC repairs. Joe suggested to meet at the school; therefore, he will check with administration to see if this is possible for November and/or December. Karl stated a list of attendees will be needed to be provided to the school. Missy stated that if school permits our meeting, in November we will get names of attendees for the 14th or 28th. Alan also offered to host a future meeting in December or January. 


Joe stated the class at the vocational school are beginning. There are 8 students enrolled. The first class will be a demo, then mount and rough stopper blanks using roughing gouge, and then complete the project with spindle gouge. Basically, complete the bottle stopper in steps from start to finish. He requested any members wishing to help show up between 4:30 and 5 pm for classes to begin at 5:30 pm. 


Karl asked Missy if she received his email regarding the 3408 finishes. Sue suggested members should visit the Worldwide Woodturners meeting held Wednesday evenings. 


Alan presented a segmented bowl he has been working on. Alan also stated he installed a magnet in the lidded bowl he presented at the last meeting. 

Joe showed some veneer he has selected for his ongoing cabinet project. He also discussed various finishes he used on the samples: misting shellac, regular shellac, and bleaching.

An interesting conversation was held regarding different methods of applying finishes. Joe explained how he applied the misted shellac. There was also a discussion of the use of tenons and/or mortises when turning bowls. Karl stated that a good rule of thumb is that with side grain bowls a mortis should be used, and with end grain a tenon should be used. Richard Raffan is known for bowl turning using a spindle gouge. Alan provided a tip of using Windex to remove yellow glue when doing a temporary glue up. The use of shellac to prevent “bleeding” of wood into lighter colored woods such as ebony with a lighter wood like maple was also discussed. Art also gave an example of color bleeding when using Spectraply. 


There was no raffle at this meeting.  

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting the Cape Atlantic Woodturners is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Egg Harbor Township Library. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Sue Bailey
