October 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners  Meeting Minutes

Location:  Egg Harbor Township Public Library

Date October 4, 2022 Time 6:00 p.m.


  • Melissa Flynn, President
  • Sue Bailey, Secretary
  • Jeffrey Schnell
  • Karl Geary
  • Bruce DiNardo
  • Mike Frame

The meeting was called to order by the president, Melissa Flynn. All in attendance introduced themselves to the group. 


No treasurer’s report at this time.

Turning Class

Melissa reported that the class at the Vocational School is going well.


Business Cards

Business cards are still something to be considered for future. Once the website is up and running, we will have contact information to include on the cards. 


The website is still in development. Melissa stated at the last meeting, she mentioned we should switch to Wix. Using Wix instead of Ghost seems to be a better choice even though it will cost more money. We can grant access for posting which seems easier than the Ghost platform. We are not certain if we can port all of our old information. Bruce suggested to start fresh. Jeff stated he can “drain” the old site. Jeff questioned the need for a website to which Melissa explained website puts our club out there. It links with AAW’s website. We need to keep the dying art alive. Having a website will help us to open it up a bit and share with the public. Sue asked what the next step would be to move forward with the website. Melissa feels the more members that can contribute to a webpage, the easier it will be to set up and maintain. She stated she will do some searching for tutorials. Joe would need access to keep the posts updated regarding the classes. The officers should all be able to access to add content as well. Melissa will talk with Gerald regarding paying for the services. Karl asked if it was a monthly fee. Sue stated she took a package and paid for the year. Sue mentioned our logo that Gerald had created. It is not a vector file but it does not port to the website as well as it could. Melissa suggested getting it up and running at the next meeting.


Meeting Date/Time

Melissa asked if anyone is familiar with Google surveys. She would like to send out a survey to see if a better meeting day would attract more members. Bruce suggested a time change. There are not many days to choose from. Switching to Thursday would open up the 2nd and 3rd Thursdays. Tuesdays in the current space is packed with other groups. We can advertise once we have a set time/date. Karl stated Wednesdays are a conflict with him due to World Wide Woodturners. (starts 6:30 pm). 

Future Topics for Demonstration/Discussion

Sharpening: Melissa would like to see more instruction in sharpening. She feels this would help those intimidated. Showing the proper setup of a sharpening system would benefit some of the members. 

Catches: Different websites were discussed showing demonstrations of catches and sharpening. 


Mike shared the bowls he has turned which were a combination of wood and resin. Respirator use and tools used were also discussed. Members shared tips for techniques. 

Bruce shared his tops and a walking stick. Sue shared photos of her current work including pipes and keyrings.


There were only two pieces of wood to be raffled. Since Mike & Bruce brought items to share, they each received a blank.  

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:30 p.m. The next regular meeting the Cape Atlantic Woodturners is scheduled for Tuesday, November 22, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Egg Harbor Township Library. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Sue Bailey
