March 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners  Meeting Minutes

Location:  Cape May Vocational School Date March 24, 2022 Time 5:00 p.m.


  • Melissa Flynn
  • Gerald Bruman
  • Joe Jones
  • Karl Geary
  • Bruce Dinardo
  • Sue Bailey
  • Art Miller
  • Alan Tasoff
  • Eve – guest

The meeting was called to order by the acting president, Melissa Flynn.

Melissa stated she met with Tom Henry and reported he is doing well. From that meeting she has information to share with regard to the club’s insurance and the treasury, with Gerald accepting the position of treasurer. Melissa wants to get a description of the club’s origin to be posted on the website, and found out that Ron Befferman actually created the club.


Melissa reported results on our search for a meeting venue. Alan checked into a library in Atlantic County. We were required to provide insurance coverage, and it could be we may not be able to get our normal meeting day/time, but the library should allow demonstrations with proof of insurance. This library is on Ocean Heights Ave in Egg Harbor Township. Melissa also stated she planned to speak to Alicia at the Cape May Technical School to see what it would take to hold another meeting like this evening’s meeting. She will provide info. There is a fee associated with this, but she will see if something can be agreed upon. 

Melissa asked for input with regard to the Upper Township Senior Center, Vo-Tech prior to class, Egg Harbor Township Library, etc. It was asked if the club could meet in a classroom at the technical school and then move to the large classroom for demos. The demo could overlap with the turning class. Melissa explained there would be no obligation for the students to watch the demo. Alan asked about Upper Township Library. Melissa explained she does not know exactly why they won’t allow us. Gerald stated Upper Township Library advised the room that was previously used by our group is closed. Melissa checked with Middle Township Library, and their issue was occupancy – no groups greater than 20 in the meeting room they have. Melissa informed everyone of Joe’s conversation with Alicia with regard to using the vocational school, who stated she would get back to us with details. Alan explained when he spoke to the representative for the Egg Harbor Library, they questioned our demonstrations and how we would clean up. He stated there would be no charge to use the facility. Alan Tasoff also suggested possibly splitting the club into North and South Branches and have alternating meetings and then joint meetings a few times per year. 

Alan questioned the need for the large lathe and trailer. Gerald explained these were sold. Gerald stated we need a full-sized lathe for outside demonstrators, but we can utilize a portable lathe for shows, etc. He explained that Tom mentioned the club was “hurting” for money, therefore the lathe and trailer were sold to Gerald. Alan remarked that when he was president, we utilized DVDs as a demonstration during meetings. He did not think our small group would attract “big name” turners for demonstrations. Sue suggested a collaborative demonstration with another club not too far from us (Mt Laurel, Cherry Hill, etc). We could offer to pay for half the fee. Alan debated the traveling. Alan brought up Bruce’s suggestion at the November or January’s meeting regarding the Am-Vets hall in Somers Point as a venue. He asked if anything came of that suggestion. Melissa stated that Bruce gave her the contact info for the Upper Township Senior Center. There were issues with regard to insurance, price, times available, etc. at that time. She will look into the library and senior center for available times. Eve suggested an art center which is located on route 47 before the intersection of route 83, near Cherry Farm. Melissa asked if she could get the name. Alan suggested that for the time being, we try to figure out a place for routine meetings and put off demos for now. Melissa asked all if they have any other suggestions to please email her.  

Our insurance is good until April 1, 2022 and is valid for a year. Documents were available for review. It will be renewed on line for 2022-2023.

Signers were changed at the bank relieving Tom of his responsibilities. The two signatures on the account will include Melissa (president) and Gerald (treasurer). Karl questioned whether a third signature would be needed. Melissa questioned the need and feels the least number of signers would be best. 


Melissa asked Joe Jones for help to get a solid inventory of equipment, etc.  


We have received a few membership renewals/fees and these were given to Gerald for deposit. Melissa asked if the two names of people who wanted to be removed from the contact list had been removed. Sue stated that Barbara Hoepp and one other person have been removed. Gerald questioned the number of members who responded to the email sent earlier this year with regard to interest in remaining on the membership roles. Sue responded there were only a few who actually responded. She created a spreadsheet of all the members to date. 


Sue stated she has attempted to update the website, however the site will not load. She gave a list of questions to Gerald who will investigate.  


Gerald has graciously volunteered to be our contact for Penn State Industries. He stated there are a number of vendors we deal with. He explained how PSI wants only wants one contact for purchasing from them. Gerald stated he will get a debit card from the club funds rather than using a personal credit card for club purchases. 


The dates for the fair this year are July 21, 22 and 23rd . The Cape May County 4H fair is near the back end of the zoo and by the Rutgers Extension. Vendors are required to be present the entire time, however we do not need to be present throughout the entire fair, but coverage during the “busy” hours was advised. Saturday morning would need coverage, as Melissa is unavailable. Melissa requested two volunteers – one to demonstrate and one to answer questions, etc. Sue volunteered to assist the demonstrator. We anticipate providing education through demonstration, and there is no fee for educational displays. Melissa is not sure if we need to pay for electric use. Melissa is formulating a list of questions in this regard. She will also see if we can display some finished pieces by club members. We cannot sell items. Joe Jones asked if we are permitted to have business cards for anyone interested in purchasing items. Melissa will check on this, but doesn’t think it will be a problem. The club wants to spark interest in woodturning, and the 4H fair would give our group nice exposure. As an example of the desire to bring woodturning to a broader audience, Melissa asked our guest/student Eve, if she knew about woodturning before she signed up for the class. Eve stated she had heard of woodturning. She has taken carpentry classes and has family members who are also woodworkers. Melissa thought turning tops would be a good quick demonstration that we could give away. She described a You Tube video by “WorthTheEffort” where Shawn Graham demonstrates turning tops and suggests children can decorate the tops while on the lathe using sharpie markers. 


Tonight’s show and tell included live-edge bowls created by Gerald. A walnut and oak urn, and a cover which was bevelled and inset for a jewellery cabinet, created by Alan. Melissa shared a bowl with a burned edged and a cedar vase, and a “Betty bowl” created from korina wood. (sorry Melissa! I didn’t get photos!) 


Gerald demonstrated turning from walnut logs. Four bowls were created. Thank you Gerald!

Respectfully submitted, 

Sue Bailey

Acting Secretary