August 2023 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners  Meeting Minutes

Location:  Egg Harbor Township Public Library

Date August 22, 2023 Time 6:00 p.m.


  • Melissa Flynn, President
  • Sue Bailey, Secretary
  • Joe Jones
  • Karl Geary
  • Alan Tasoff
  • Art Miller

The meeting was called to order by the president, Melissa Flynn. 


No treasurer’s report at this time.


Joe Jones thanked Missy, Karl, and Sue for their assistance on Monday (8/21/23) in preparing the classroom for the upcoming semester at Cape May Vocational School. A special mention was made to Art Miller who also planned to attend but was unable at the last minute.

Missy reported the success of our club at the 4H fair in July. Thanks to Alan, Joe and Sue for their assistance. Quite a few visitors expressed interest in the class. Joe reported that of the 8 new students this coming semester, a few may have been a result of our club’s display at the 4H. 

President Missy stated she spoke with representatives from the 4H, and our hope is to have live scheduled and announced demonstrations for 2024. 


Joe Jones reported 8 people have signed up for the class and they do not appear to be repeat students. He expressed a need for club members to assist with the class, since the students appear to be new, and he will need some assistance. 


Meeting Date/Time

President Missy stated we are scheduled for September 12th and October 17th at the Egg Harbor Library at 6pm. Beyond that, there will be approximately 2-3 months where we cannot utilize the library, and she asked for suggestions. 

NEW BUSINESS  (continued)

Work on the Library’s HVAC system is scheduled to begin on November 6th. Alan offered to host a meeting at his home shop for November. The Upper Township Library was also discussed as a venue. 

The President also suggested a meeting format consisting of a demonstration at every other meeting. It was suggested that Alan demonstrate the use of his vacuum chuck at the November meeting which he has agreed to host. 

Future Topics for Demonstration/Discussion

At the September meeting, a topic for discussion will be the turning class schedule.  


Karl shared two new tools: a Sorby ½” beading tool, and a tool useful for beading as well. 

Alan showed a segmented piece as well as a square bowl with lid. Joe Jones showed a toothpick holder (or shot glass) made from zebrawood. Missy showed a cedar vase which she began at the 4H fair and asked for suggestions for completion. She also showed an attempt at a spinning top, as well as a bead spinner. 


There was no raffle at this meeting. 

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 p.m. The next regular meeting the Cape Atlantic Woodturners is scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Egg Harbor Township Library. 

Respectfully submitted,  

Sue Bailey
