August 2022 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners  Meeting Minutes

Location:  Egg Harbor Township Public Library

Date August 9, 2022 Time 6:00 p.m.


  • Melissa Flynn, President
  • Joe Jones, Education Officer
  • Sue Bailey, Secretary
  • Gerald Bruman, Treasurer
  • Ron Befferman
  • Bruce DiNardo
  • Chazz Barber
  • Gary Coleman
  • Karl Geary

The meeting was called to order by the president, Melissa Flynn. All in attendance introduced themselves to the group. 



Melissa reminded all about dues. 

Business Cards

Melissa suggested maybe using her number as the contact number on business cards. Gerald questioned the need. It would be good to have cards with club contact information to be handed out by our members. We are working on polishing the website, and Sue has set up a generic yahoo email for the club ( which can also bring potential member. Sue remarked that two gentlemen emailed expressing interest in joining the club. 


No treasurer’s report at this time. 

Turning Class

Joe Jones is getting ready to start the classes in September. He asked for assistance in getting the lathes serviced, tools sharpened, and materials inventoried. Two dates were suggested: August 16th or 23rd from noon until about two. His goal is to have at least 7 or 8 lathes available for his students. He will confirm which date works for all and will email the club. Gerald remarked that he had replaced the overload on one lathe already. Classes are scheduled to begin on September 15, 2022 with the final class November 10, 2022.


The current website is still not functioning properly. It was suggested we get together to iron out the issues. Chazz Barber suggested using Wiz as a website builder. He offered his assistance. It was decided we would meet at the Egg Harbor Library. Melissa will email the club with the details with regard to time. 

County 4H Fairs

Melissa is participating in the Atlantic County 4H Fair and will report back with regard to “traffic” at the fair. We would like to participate in the fairs next season.


There was no new business for discussion. 


Gerald Bruman, Joe Jones, Chazz Barber, Karl Geary, Ron Befferman, Bruce DiNardo, & Sue Bailey each participated in Show & Tell with methods explained and questions answered. 

During Show & Tell, working with Corian was discussed. Gary Coleman stated he has access to Corian and may be able to get some cutoffs for the club. Ron asked Gary to look for black or marbled. 

Utilizing a sled for segmenting was also discussed. 


There was no demonstration this month. A question was raised regarding videoing future demonstrations at meetings. Gerald stated that Jeff Schnell used to video demos for publication on the website. This would be something to look into for future. 


We were able to have a raffle at this meeting. Tickets were sold at $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. Funds raised were $34.00. Items included a few pieces of ebony, carbide replacement blades, some lapis lazuli, and bottle stoppers/corks. 

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 p.m. The next regular meeting the Cape Atlantic Woodturners is scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Egg Harbor Township Library. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Sue Bailey
