2021 Meeting Minutes

The only "In-person" meeting we had was a restructuring meeting in December.

December 2021 Meeting Minutes

Cape Atlantic Woodturners Meeting Minutes

Location: Dino’s Diner

Date: December 15, 2021

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Attendees Melissa (Missy) & Mr. Flynn, Tom Henry, Gerald & Yvonne Bruman, Bruce Dinardo, Arthur & Mrs. Miller, Karl Geary, Joe Jones, Sue Bailey

The meeting was called to order by the acting president, Missy Flynn.

Agenda Items

I. NONPROFIT STATUS: The topic of non-profit status for the chapter was discussed. Requirements and costs to set up a 501(3)(c) were addressed. It was suggested that a timeline to gain non-profit status would be approximately 3 to 6 months. There may be a member of the chapter who is a lawyer and may possibly assist in the process. (Bernard “Cifenisky”) Items such as wig stands, pens for troops, etc. would be potential projects for the chapter to comply with non-profit status. Another benefit would be waiving of the meeting fee at the Upper Township Senior Center which is normally $50.

II. MEETING VENUE: A few potential sites for future meetings were discussed. The Upper Township Public Library is not an option yet due to limited hours. Tom stated the meeting room is not available at this time for evening hours. It is possible to request the room on Saturdays or in the afternoons. Tom stated he believes 7 pm is the latest the Upper Township Library is open. The Upper Township Senior Center is available but requires a month’s notice and a fee. The non-profit status of the chapter would eliminate the fee to use this facility. Tom asked if the Cape May Vocational School would be an option for meeting. According to Joe Jones, this has been explored in the past, however all attendees would have to be registered with the school in order to be permitted in the building. The President asked all members to investigate a centrally located venue for future meetings. In the meantime, Tom Henry will arrange a meeting for January at his community center. We will not be able to do any turning demonstrations at his community’s center. Meetings will be held the 3rd Saturday each month from 10-12.

III. INVENTORY: The question was raised with regard to equipment housed at the Cape May Vocational School. Joe Jones (class moderator) stated that the tools were purchased by the school via a grant. Various kits, polishes, etc. are property of the school. The carbide tools, grinder, chucks, mandrels, and lathes belong to the chapter. Tom Henry stated that chapter also owned 4 stands and believed 2 are housed at the school. Joe Jones stated he has a list of inventory for the last 5 years. Tom Henry will see if he has an old inventory list. Missy suggested that the lathes at the school should be cleaned and serviced, as there were a few not functioning. Tom Henry suggested that Joe, Jeff and Dan have the ability to service our lathes. This would enable a lathe to be used for County Fair demonstrations.

IV. OFFICERS: Melissa (Missy) Flynn was unanimously voted to become the Chapter President. Missy questioned who would be the Vice-President and mentioned the importance of having an officer to help in the event she is not available. At the next meeting, each office will be defined and officers voted.

V. MEMBERSHIP: Sue Bailey questioned the annual dues. Individual dues for the chapter are $25 annually and $35 for family. The idea of a student or associate member was briefly discussed. Missy will have a membership survey for the next meeting. It was also suggested that all members of the chapter become members of AAW but at the very least all officers should be members of AAW. This would benefit CAW by providing exposure, applying for grants, and nominating students to receive grants offered by the AAW.

VI. FUTURE MEETINGS/DEMOS: Missy asked the members about participation in County/State Fairs and asked if any members have done demos in the past. Allan stated he has and has used simply a folding table. Items such as tool swaps, demos, visits to other chapters, etc. were briefly mentioned as well as some potential ways to get our name out to attract members. We have three counties within short distance. Art Miller stated that woodworking shows are “on” for 2022. Baltimore and Lancaster were mentioned. Missy questioned segmented bowls. Gerald suggested there are on-line calculators to assist. Tom suggested reaching out to Ron Befferman.

The next meeting of CAW will be held at Tom Henry’s community center on Saturday, January 15, 2022 between 10 and noon. Tom Henry will reserve this for the chapter.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Sue Bailey Acting Secretary

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